Yoni Healing
June 13, 2024
£ 250.00 GBP

✨ “A woman in touch with her Shakti, her life force, her yoni, makes everything around her better and it not only heals her, it helps heal everyone around her”.  - Dr. Christiane Northrup

💕 It is well-known in Tantra that our yoni stores all our past experiences, emotions and traumas, because she is very receptive, both physically and energetically. Our sacred temple is just like a huge library, keeping score of all our past experiences.

💕 Most often we are not aware of this and keep carrying all tensions and blockages from childhood to adult life, from one relationship to another, that stops us from living our life ecstatically and free. That’s why the importance of yoni healing can not be underestimated.

👉  3 stages for the Sacred Journey of Blossoming Yoni

There are 3 key progressive steps to awaken the full power of the yoni:

1 - becoming aware of our yoni and developing an intimate loving relationship with her,

2 - healing traumas and releasing any blockages, stored in the yoni,

3 - awakening the plenary erotic and orgasmic capacity of the yoni.

Based on our personal experience of many years, without following each step gradually none of the exercises and practices will bring profound lasting results and we’ll remain still on the surface.

👉  Module 2: Yoni Healing

In this module we will embark together on a profound journey of self healing by:

🌸 cultivating deep self love and acceptance,

🌸 de-armoring yoni, heart and throat, releasing tensions and blockages in these areas to heal, open up and soften the yoni,

🌸 purifying the yoni from any negative energy and painful sexual experiences and cutting cords, incl. with ex-lovers,  recovering the energy that has been lost or suppressed,

🌸 taking a definitive step towards healing any gynecological imbalances and diseases*, by assuming full responsibility and control of your yoni,

🌸 embarking on a healing journey with the help of efficient and time-tested practices of Tantra, Tao and Ayurveda,

🌸 awakening the inborn sensitivity, sensuality, openness, juiciness and softness of the yoni.

During the 7 weeks of this intensive course we will learn together:

🌸 The importance of healing and  causes of yoni imbalances, numbness and blockages.

🌸 Practical methods for stress management and the art of relaxation. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and vagus nerve, discovering the immense power of our body for self healing.

🌸 Direct physical and energetical interconnection between the yoni, the heart (emotions and feelings) and throat (communication and expression) and practical tools for healing and removing blockages (incl. pain, numbness) in all of them.

🌸 Ritual of yoni purification and cutting energetic cords, releasing past experiences and memories and setting our yoni free for new loving energies and manifestations to come.

🌸 The role of breasts in yoni healing and tantric and tao practice to connect and activate these two centers of femininity. Forgiveness technique.

🌸 Why self love and self acceptance are so important and what exactly they are and what they are not.

🌸 Approaching yoni healing from the spiritual perspective.

🌸 Sacred ritual of adoration and communion with Eternal Feminine, residing in the yoni -  Yoni puja.

🌸 The art of loving Yoni mapping: discovering external and internal points, important in the yoni healing.

🌸 Awakening and discovering paranormal, occult power of the yoni using ancient tantric practices and connecting with Cosmic Energies of the Yoni, Eternal Feminine.

🌸 Practical tools for yoni healing and recovering its aliveness and happiness: de-armoring techniques, Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), yoni egg practice, ovarian breathing, self-massage (yoni and breasts), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), breathwork, healing with sound, yoni mapping, yoga nidra.

Each 2 hour class will be held in an intimate, warm and safe environment (online), where you can relax and feel at ease, and will consist of:

🌺 30-45 mins of new theoretical presentation every week,

🌺 Practical exercises, guided meditations, self-massage, breathwork, rituals,

🌺 Questions and answers,

🌺 Optional homework.

This course is for you if you want to:

🌸 heal your heart and yoni from previous less than pleasant, negative and painful experiences,

🌸 let go of numbness, dryness and closeness of the yoni (this happens to almost all of us at some point…),

🌸 get to know your yoni very intimately, restoring any sense of separation from her,

🌸 reconnect profoundly with your yoni and heart, recovering their natural openness, joy, ability to love and soft powers,

🌸 heal you yoni on multiple levels  - physical, energetic, spiritual,

🌸 take your power back regardless of your background, past experiences and any circumstances,

🌸 feel more confident, free, in control of your yoni and body,

🌸 learn how to skilfully navigate any stressful situations in life with more awareness, self-love, self-care and compassion, applying special techniques and inner attitudes,

🌸 discover efficient practices for life to restore the wellbeing and happiness of your yoni whenever necessary.

✨ “I wish to thank you all for your participation and courage to connect with such a mysterious part of our women's body. I have a strong feeling and belief that every time a woman heals all women heal too. So it is wonderful to be in this journey of healing, expanding and connecting with our feminine nature together. Thank you!” - B., UK

✨ “I am working on my relationships with men inside and outside myself at the moment too, so I feel that your sharing gives me hope and helps me to remember that we are all in this together and that there's a lot of paths being paved by other women who have done healing in this direction”. - O., UK

To support on your journey,  you will also get:

🌸 1 hour of 1-to-1 counseling session to address your personal situation and receive individual guidance and recommendations*,

🌸 A live warm and sisterly group of women, where you can get support, share and ask any questions which we often don’t feel comfortable asking even our mothers or friends

🌸 Access to a private Telegram group, where you will receive more inspiring materials, advices and support throughout the course as well as afterwards and stay connected with the group **,

🌸 A special audio playlist with healing music,

🌸 An e-book with yoni healing practices

🌸 Recommendations for further self-study - books, films, documentaries.

🌸 Access to the recordings for 1 year.

We can't wait to be with you together on this healing journey back to ourselves and our power!

* Please consult a medical professional if you have any acute medical conditions.

** There is a limited number of places available due to the intimate deep nature of work to assure the personal approach and the warm and open environment in the group.

👉 When: Thursdays, starting on the 13th of June, from 07:00-09:00 PM BST

👉 Where: Online (the zoom link to join will be sent more close to date)

👉 Price: £250 (Early bird price 200£ until 2 June) Promo code: 50EARLYGIFT

We would love every woman to benefit from this course, so installments and a special price for Venus members, students and those with low income are available upon individual request. To receive a special promo-code please send an email to info@venuswomen.com. We will be happy to hear from you!

👉 Special offer if you sign up for other modules too (“Yoni Tantra Yoga” (March 2024) and “Awakening the Power of Yoni” (October 2024)):

Any 2 modules - £380 (£120 saving)

All 3 modules - £550 (£200 saving)

About the teacher:

💜 Olya has been on the spiritual path for over 20 years, incl. 14 years of Tantra and Yoga study and practice. She is a certified Tantra for women teacher and regularly holds groups and courses for women around the world as well as workshops for deepening the connection with the yoni and awakening its amazing power.

She always felt passionate to share with other women everything that she has learnt and what has helped her on the Tantric journey, so she loves creating a very intimate, supportive and warm atmosphere where every woman can awaken and rediscover her unique feminine gifts and sublime power within.


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